Saturday, August 23, 2008

School Starts Monday

School starts Monday and so the kids are having "last weekend before school starts" gatherings. Bella had 3 cronies last night-pizza and swimming til midnite. The Olympics on TV inspired a morning project- I was treated to a lovely display of synchronized swimming out in the pool. Silly girls could NOT remember their shapes- or maybe just couldn't figure out what shape they were making in the water-so I have a video of them shouting out "Square" as they make triangles. Now Boy has 5 friends over and (after more pizza) they are watching 80s slasher movies. Not even sure they qualify as slasher- just bad scary movies. First was "Chopping Mall"-they screamed and yelled at the TV as some evil robot kept coming back to life to chase the poor,innocent girl who-of course- managed to triumph in the end. Now it is "Sleep Over Camp" which I hope is also a scary movie and not some soft porn that they have snuck in. I just heard screaming so I'm pretty sure it's scary. Poor Bunny did not get it together to ask anyone over until 5:30pm tonite- so she didn't have much luck. No one could come. O well.
Soccer season has also started - Bella's new team played some "friendlies" and did pretty well. Bella didn't embarass herself which is all I hoped for- not sure how the new team will work out- the Coach seems a bit anal. Bunny's new team plays tomorrow-hope she doesn't pull a tendon in her foot again playing.

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